Robots Wiki

Mr. Phineas T. Ratchet is the secondary antagonist of Robots. He is Rodney's arch-rival and Madame Gasket's son and henchman.

Appearance and Personality

Physical Appearance

Ratchet is a tall, shiny, silver robot with light brown eyes.

His is slicked off to the right side of his head.

He is covered in upgrades, which give him the look of a polished businessman wearing a tuxedo, complete with a tie.

However, he loses these upgrades at the end of the film during the final battle.

He along with his Dad were Both Locked Up in Prison for 10 to 12 years.


Ratchet is a ruthless and scandalous corporate social climber, who takes charge of Bigweld Industries after Bigweld leaves and goes into hiding.

He is extremely arrogant, greedy, self-centered, uncaring, and materialistic as he decides to discontinue making spare parts so that older, rusty robots would be forced to either buy upgrades or become "outmodes" and get taken away to his mother's Chop Shop.

This was partly because of greed and partly because he hates rusty robots.


Ratchet flirting with Cappy

In order to move his plans forward, Ratchet intimidates most of his employees, into supporting him. Because of this, Ratchet is also viewed as a bully by most of his underlings and the broken-down robots.


Ratchet flirting with Cappy at the Bigweld Ball

He also believes himself to be a ladies' man as he unsuccessfully tries to flirt with Cappy several times.

However, Ratchet is just a stooge compared to Madame Gasket.

He carries out her plans and obediently bends to her will.

It is revealed that when Ratchet causes Bigweld Industries to stop making spare parts, the robots who cannot afford to buy upgrades will be gathered up by Madame Gasket's sweepers and taken to the Chop Shop, where they will be melted down and turned into upgrades.

Ratchet is partially only performing his mother's plan, but it does benefit him as well.

A softer side of Ratchet is seen when he is around his mother, as the two do genuinely seem to care about each other.

However, Ratchet is embarrassed of her because of her hideous, rusty appearance. He also has a bond with his father.


  • Ratchet is often thought to be the main antagonist of the film.
  • He is not to be confused with Ratchet (The main titular protagonist of Ratchet & Clank) of the same name.

